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Failure Is Never The End!

The fear of failing can be immobilizing - it can cause us to do nothing, and therefore make us resist moving forward. These are some of the feelings I had while facing my own entrepreneurial journey. Now this story is not completely filled with sorrow so please read till the end.

My entrepreneurship path started five month ago in September. I was so excited to start and was head over heels on this one business idea. Having such an investment to find a solution for problem within my own life. From the outside this idea sounded successful. I was hyper focused to move the business forward, fast. However, every week I would reflect on my model and come up with a list that had more negatives than positives. But, I was still blinded by my own enthusiasm and desire to accomplish everything rapidly. The process continued week after week and month after month with the same results happening every reflection period. Putting all of the issues on the back burner as they would figure themselves out somehow. The breaking point was when I was sitting in an interview explaining the idea, and point blank the person replied with an answer that completely debunked the entire idea. My consuming thoughts transition from I know this is going to work to this will 100% fail. The idea I had been sitting on for the past three months could physically not transition into a legitimate business.

I was stuck. In a dazed mood that shut down any new potential venture. Looking around my class at everyone else success, and worried that restarting would ultimately lead me to the same result. Failure.

Now anyone can be an entrepreneur. You can do extensive amounts of interviews, background research, product testing, and a logistical planning. But to be a successful entrepreneur you have to when to let go of an idea and move onward. To never skip the small detailed. As when we allow fear to stop our forward progress in life, we're likely to miss some great opportunities along the way. The ideas consumed every though even the ones that where noticing all of the issue arising while doing research. My perception was that if the idea failed, I would not be able to start again. In reality, my beliefs should have been to fail, learn, and rebuild. As no one does anything perfect the first time.

My journey as an entrepreneur continues and will continuously be growing. Learning early that from failure can only come success. Having a new venture triumphantly moving forward and launching within the month. And don’t worry my weekly reflections have shown more positives results than negative. From this experience, I have learned the value of failure and even though it may be painful I welcome it in the future as I know it will only provide myself with some sort of personal development.

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